Behind The Shots: Fella and the All Star Challenge 2020

We couldn’t believe a year had passed already. We packed up all our gear into the car and began our evening drive over to Folkestone. 

It was our shoot day for the All Star competition; an annual hairstyling and portraiture competition hosted by men’s hair and skin care brand American Crew. The founder of American Crew, David Raccuglia, is not just a talented barber, he is also a highly skilled, self-taught photographer with a love for classic black and white images; reminiscent of classic 1940-60 Hollywood portraiture. From this combination of photography and mens hair styling skills, American Crew was born and a competition celebrating both of these passions was created. 

Last year we came very close to reaching the finals, with our photographs of model Soren Paillou and our good friends at Fella Hair were eager to enter again. This time they had organised two models each with distinctive looks, styled by barbers Alex Wakefield and Jayson Black.

Barber photography
Portrait photography canterbury

Last years images which made it to the top 20.

The Models and the looks

This year, both barbers had come up with a back story and personality for their look. Jayson styled model George Blake into a Harley Davidson-riding rocker with a glorious beard and a love for rock bars and neat bourbon. Alex had gone for a Mod culture inspired look, a sharp looking young man with a chip on his shoulder portrayed by fashion model Soren Palliou.

The Final images

Here they are! Our final front and side profile shots for the competition:

portrait photographer canterbury
Barber photography

Soren rocking the Mod look with some amazing textured hair as styled by Alex

Photographer canterbury

George with his glorious beard and hair styled by Jayson

Closing thoughts

Unfortunately our images didn’t make it to the finals this year, but they were spotted on the judging table in one of the videos American Crew streamed and we received some encouraging comments:

Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 10.47.08.png
Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 10.47.32.png
Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 10.47.01.png

We were really happy with our shots and were blown away by the efforts made by the barbers and models. A huge thank you to Alex, Jayson, Bobby, George and Soren. We already can’t wait for next year!

Behind The Scenes

Our basic lighting setup for the shoot was a large octabox as the key light, a small softbox as the hair and rim light positioned behind and a lot of reflected and bounced light was played around with to get the look just right.

Screenshot 2020-03-20 at 11.00.38.png

Our basic lighting setup



We were shooting tethered to keep an eye on the images as we went and everyone was pretty chuffed with the shots straight out the camera. After we got home we cracked on with some high end editing. Our workflow was firstly to get the image looking right in Lightroom by adjusting the tones, clarity, highlights and contrast to give them a bit of punch. Then we took them over to photoshop for our high-end final touches. The 3 stages of the images are shown below:

Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 17.11.19.png
Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 13.58.27.png
Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 13.58.33.png
Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 16.54.42.png
Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 16.54.56.png
Screenshot 2020-04-05 at 16.55.01.png

Credits and social media links


Soren Paillou

George Croft

Hair Stylists:

Alex Wakefield

Jayson Black

Fella Barbering:


Fella Folkestone

Fella Margate

American Crew UK:

IG Page

BEHIND THE SHOTS: Fella & The American Crew All Star Challenge 2019

Another great shoot with Fella barbers complete. This time we were entering a national hairdressing competition, The American Crew All Star Challenge. Every year photographers and hairdressers have to submit two black and white portrait images, one face-on and one in profile. The competition is run by the men’s haircare giant American Crew so we had to make sure to capture images that were complementary to their look and style.

We arrived just as stylist Alex Wakefield was giving the hairstyle some finishing touches. We set up our backdrop and lighting ready for shooting. Our subject was an unfairly good-looking French model named Soren Paillou.

We set  up a portable studio inside of the barber shop, it was a bit of a squeeze, but we managed to get everything in place. We spent the next few hours experimenting with different lighting and poses, to get everything just right.


The final images we decided on, showed both the versatility of the haircut Alex had created and matched our vision of the American Crew brand.

We wanted the face-on portrait to convey a classic, gentlemanly look. To achieve this we explored a range of  poses, outfits and camera angles. With our model dressed in a suitable white shirt, we directed him into a slightly regal pose, which gave the image the feel of a classic 1950s Hollywood portrait.

For the side profile image, Soren had a costume change into something more casual, which matched the “swoosh” style on the side of the haircut. This complemented and contrasted the smart style of the front-on image, helping to demonstrate the versatility of the cut.



We were all very happy with the final two images.  We didn’t quite make it to the finals but we were shortlisted among the top 20 and we received some very positive feedback from Fella and the judges, and we are already excited for next year's challenge.

Huge congratulations to everyone who made it to the finals. Wishing the best of luck to this year’s world finalists. A big thank you to Soren, Bobby and Alex for the great opportunity and all the work they put in for the shoot.

Behind the scenes


The Lens - Portraits was the name of the game so we stuck with the classic choice of the 85 mm lens shooting mainly around F7.1 to keep the face and hair tack sharp. We dropped it down to around f 5.6 to help smooth out the background and keep the focus on the hair for some shots.  

The Lighting -  Getting the look of the lighting just right was a huge part of the final images in order to match the aesthetics of the American Crew brand. We had a large Octobox softbox for our key light, a small gridded square softbox positioned behind the model as a focused rim / hair light and finally a silver reflector for some nice fill light. We took the key-light in nice and close to get some beautiful soft light/shadows on our model.

To really enhance the hair we used some bounce cards and even mirrors to add a bit more pop and shine.


We were pretty happy with the shots Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC), some basic enhancements were made in Lightroom and then the final touches were done in photoshop before converting the images to black and white.  

Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC)

Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC)

Basic Lightroom edit

Basic Lightroom edit

Final image with Photoshop edits and black and white filter

Final image with Photoshop edits and black and white filter

Credits & Social media links

Behind the Scenes Shots - Kamila Lobuzinska. (All behind the scenes photography is taken on 35mm film (Fuji colour 400) with a Canon AE-1)

Model - Soren Paillou

Hair Stylist - Alex Wakefield - A.W Hair

Make-up - Hrista Karapneva

Fella Barbering: Fella / Fella Folkestone / Fella Margate

American Crew UK - IG Page