'Cene magazine feature!

We were really excited to see our photographs featured in a promotional piece for Fella Hair in the latest edition of the award winning ‘Cene magazine. With everything being so digital, it’s always great to see work printed!

The shots were from our epic shoot last summer around the Kent Coast, you can read the full story here.

‘Cene website: https://www.cenemagazine.co.uk/

‘Cene Summer 2019 issue: https://issuu.com/cenemagazine/docs/sum19_cene

Fella Hair: https://www.fellahair.com/


Recently, Block Art went out into the summer sun to create a set of promotional photos for the talented musician, Joe Jones. After meeting with Joe to discuss the look and style he wanted in the images, we decided on a colourful nature shoot with a summery feel. To achieve this we chose to shoot at golden hour and had to find a location that would allow us to take advantage of the glowing, setting sun. We chose a location in a field next to a group of trees, which matched Joe’s want for nature and was also glowing in the late afternoon sun to fully shine without any obstruction. After some playing around with lighting and different compositions we captured some beautiful shots, which you can see below.

Joe is a fantastic musician and has composed many pieces of music for Block Art’s videos. You can check out some of his wonderful music and follow him on Facebook and Soundcloud by following the links below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jwjonesmusic/

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/joewjones14